1064 - You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 's%' GROUP BY p.products_id order by StockQuant DESC,p.products_id != 25, p.produ' at line 14

SELECT p.*, pd.products_name, pd.products_tag, p2c.categories_id, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, NULL) as specials_new_products_price, IF(s.status, s.specials_new_products_price, p.products_price) as final_price, CASE WHEN p.products_quantity > 0 THEN '1' else '0' END AS StockQuant FROM products p LEFT JOIN specials_retail_prices s using(products_id) JOIN products_description pd ON p.products_id = pd.products_id JOIN products_to_categories p2c ON p.products_id = p2c.products_id WHERE p.products_status = '1' and (p.products_archive != '1' or (p.products_archive = '1' and p.products_quantity > 0)) and p2c.categories_id IN (22,15) and pd.products_name LIKE '%fit's%' GROUP BY p.products_id order by StockQuant DESC,p.products_id != 25, p.products_isbag != 1, p.products_date_added DESC, pd.products_name